Konica Minolta Selected for the Leaderboard of CDP’s Supplier Engagement Rating
Promoting the Green Supplier Activities
to Achieve Carbon Minus
The Supplier Engagement Rating evaluates companies’ commitment to climate change throughout their supply chain. Excellent companies in the top 7% are selected for the Leaderboard. More than 8,000 companies worldwide were surveyed. This fiscal year, 394 companies (including 83 Japanese firms) were selected for the Leaderboard. Konica Minolta has been promoting the Green Supplier Activities to achieve carbon minus* in 2030. The company believes that it has been selected for the Leaderboard in recognition of its efforts.
*Carbon minus represents Konica Minolta’s commitment to reducing CO2 emissions throughout its business activities to a level exceeding the CO2 emissions of the entire lifecycle of its products by working with stakeholders, such as business partners and customers
Konica Minolta’s Green Supplier Activities
Konica Minolta has been promoting the Green Supplier Activities to provide suppliers with the know-how for reducing environmental impact while reducing costs. In the activities, Konica Minolta’s environmental experts visit production facilities operated by suppliers, make improvement proposals including the cost reduction effect and need for investment, and promote activities to reduce the environmental impact in cooperation with suppliers.
Previously, Konica Minolta’s employees visited suppliers’ plants to conduct energy conservation diagnoses and helped suppliers implement measures. Konica Minolta has developed a system to automate the process of providing know-how by using digital solutions so that suppliers can conduct energy conservation diagnoses and implement measures by themselves. Since FY2020, the activities have been further upgraded as the DX-Green Supplier Activities. Konica Minolta will work with many more suppliers to rapidly expand the efforts to reduce CO2 emissions and costs throughout the supply chain.
About CDP
CDP is a global non-profit that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources and protect forests. Voted number one climate research provider by investors and working with institutional investors with assets of US$106 trillion, we leverage investor and buyer power to motivate companies to disclose and manage their environmental impacts. Over 9,600 companies with over 50% of global market capitalization disclosed environmental data through CDP in 2020. This is in addition to the hundreds of cities, states, and regions that have disclosed, making CDP’s platform one of the richest sources of information globally on how companies and governments are driving environmental change. CDP is a founding member of the We Mean Business Coalition.
Reference: Evaluation by External Parties
Konica Minolta is currently included in global ESG indexes and is ranked high in the ESG ratings, as shown below. Dow Jones Sustainability Index (USA)
World Index (DJSI World): Included in the index consecutively since 2012 Asia Pacific Index (DJSI Asia Pacific): Included in the index consecutively since 2009
S&P Global (USA)
Included in SAM Sustainability Award consecutively since 2013 (Four times as Gold and five times as Silver)
Corporate Knights (Canada)
Ranked among the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World (2011, 2019, 2020 and 2021)
ISS-oekom (Germany)
Maintained the highest Prime Status since 2011
Ethibel (Belgium)
Selected for the investment universe of Ethibel Pioneer and Ethibel Excellence (May 2020)
Included on the Climate A List (2013, 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2020)
FTSE4Good Index Series (UK)
Included in the index consecutively since 2003
FTSE Blossom Japan Index (UK)
Included in the index consecutively since its establishment in 2017
MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index (USA)
Included in the index consecutively since its establishment in 2017
MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (USA)
Included in the index consecutively since its establishment in 2017
S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index (USA, Japan)
Included in the index consecutively since its establishment in 2018